Introduction - The Start Of A New Journey

Hello internet!
Kathy here. I will be traveling around the world visiting four very interesting places. Each place is either a Divergent, Subduction, Collision or Transform tectonic plate boundary. This trip is in preparation for next year's plate tectonics unit (get excited students!) You may know my sister, Miss Leah, who teaches 7th grade science at Lakeridge Middle School. (Be sure to check out Leah's blog We will be traveling together on this trip. We just landed in Nepal and will be studying Mt. Everest from Base Camp. It's too bad we can't climb to the summit but from what I can see right now, the Himalayas are absolutely spectacular.
The first picture is a selfie we took on the plane while gazing out the window! The second picture you see with this introduction is one that I took from the airplane of the Himalayas. The view from the plane was outstanding as you can see. WE'RE SO EXCITED : )
I have to go for now because we're pulling into our hotel called Hotel Himalaya but I'll keep you posted as much as possible!

Talk to you soon : )
- Kathy

Disclaimer: This trip and blog are both completely fictional and are for a science project!